« Posts tagged Beta

Großes Minecraft Update

Heute wurden ein weiteres großes Update für Minecraft bereitgestellt, in dem endlich die Eimer und Minecarts funktionieren. Hier habt ihr nochmal den original Post von Notch:

A whole pile of bug fixes in this one. There’s still a lot more to do, coming over the next couple of weeks or so.

General fixes:
* players and mobs in lava or fire no longer spam sound effects
* getting hit with a higher damage while recovering from a smaller one now works as intended
* lava flows further in the Nether
* zombie pigs eventually forgives
* added support for custom skin packs
* fixed duplicate buttons when resizing screens
* zombie pigs and ghasts no longer get hurt by fire or lava
* fixed volume sliders now saving properly

Multiplayer fixes:
* hellworld=true no longer overwrites old save chunks. Player positions will still break if you switch it on a running server, though
* boats are now visible to other players
* minecarts move nicer
* fishing kinda sorta works, but needs more work
* sheep and cows look like sheep and cows now
* buckets work now
* fixed stairs being really difficult to destroy
* increased the timeout before “Took too long to log in”
* made it possible to ride carts and boats
* added (after lots of work) the ability to steer server-side boats
* added “no-animals” setting. if true, animals will immediately vanish
* added support for more animation settings. Currently it’s just the “riding” animation, but the same system will be used for sneaking

To make a texture pack, make a zip file that contains the files you wish to replace, then place that zip file in the texture pack folder. There’s a handy button ingame to open that folder immediately.

If you place a “pack.png” file in the root of the zip file, it’ll show up as a preview icon. Please make sure it’s square, and of an even 2^x size. For example, 128×128 pixels.
If you place a “pack.txt” file in the root of the zip file, the first two lines will show up as a description for the texture pack.

Ein paar Bugs hab ich schon gefunden, bzw. einen. Die Minecarts kann man nicht per Hand/Werkzeug/Waffe zerstören. Die einzige Möglichkeit ist das anzünden der Karre aber dabei verliert man diese.

Hoffen wir, dass Notch bald wieder so ein großes Update bringt oder gar die Beta.

MfG Slam

Minecraft – Halloween Update ist da!

Notch und sein Team haben gestern das große Minecraft Halloween Update veröffentlicht. Leider ist die Liste nicht komplett abgearbeitet worden:

MfG Slam